Just the Facts About Food Allergies and Intolerances

Allergy Image

In this episode, Amy and Laura discuss the differences between food allergy and food intolerance.

·         How are food allergies diagnosed?  Which foods are most likely to cause symptoms?

·         How do you read a food label when you have a food allergy?

·         Which tests should be avoided for the diagnosis of food allergies?

·         Are home food sensitivity tests helpful?

·         What are the new guidelines for introducing peanuts to your child?

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Show links:

IgG food intolerance tests continue to mislead consumers into unnecessary dietary restrictions.

Food sensitivity tests: Science or scam?

Instructions for home feeding of peanut protein for infants at low risk of an allergic reaction to peanut


New Guidelines: Early Introduction of Peanut to Prevent Peanut Allergy
