Tame the Flame

Inflammation is a “hot” topic in nutrition, but should you be concerned about it? Laura and Amy wanted to learn more about inflammation and ways to reduce it in our diets, so they consulted an expert registered dietitian, Lisa Andrews, RD, LD of Soundbites Nutrition.  In today’s podcast, you will learn

  • the definition of inflammation
  • lab markers/physical findings
  • how does inflammation impact the body?  
  • how what you eat can increase or decrease inflammation in your body?

As mentioned on the podcast: Dairy & inflammation:  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31089732/
Inflammation and arthritis:  https://www.arthritis.org/health-wellness/healthy-living/nutrition/anti-inflammatory/anti-inflammatory-diet

As always, we welcome your show ideas. You can follow us on IG at @thesecretlifedietitians, on Twitter @Tdietitians, and visit our website at www.secretliferd.com